It’s never easy to drive in the rain, especially when it gets even heavier than it was already. Knowing how best to drive in the rain is crucial if you want to keep yourself and your passengers safe.
We’re going to give you all of the tips and tricks you’ll need to stay safe driving in the rain. Keep reading below to improve your driving skills the next time you’re in your car.

It’s so important to make sure you’re properly preparing your car if you’re experiencing heavy rain. Knowing your car is all in working order gives you peace of mind, allowing you to get into your car safely.
There are a few things you can do before you get into your car to make sure you’re road ready, especially if you’re not used to driving in the rain.
Your windscreen wipers are an essential part of your car, keeping your visibility clear when going through harsh weather. Make sure you check your windscreen wipers are in working order the next time you get into your car. If they scratch, make sure to get them replaced.
During harsh weather roads often have to close due to flooding, accidents or debris on the road. Make sure to check your route before you set off, you’ll then be more prepared when it comes to setting off on your journey.
Make sure you fill up on fuel before you head off on your journey. When bad weather is involved, there’s a good chance you’ll be idle and stuck in traffic for some time, this will eat up plenty of fuel.
Though we all carry one everywhere these days, make sure you carry your phone with you, even if it’s just a short journey. If you get into any sort of difficulty because of the weather, you’ll be able to park up somewhere safe and call for help.
Your tyres are one of the most important components of your car, they take you to so many different places, so they’re bound to experience plenty of wear and tear. Use a twenty pence to check the tyre depth is at the legal limit. If they’re not, get them replaced.
Wiper Fluid
Though it might not necessarily be needed, when the rain dies down, the water droplets create smudges on the windscreen. Make sure you’re all stocked up on wiper fluid so you’re able to maintain your visibility whilst driving.
Tips and Tricks
Now we’re onto the part you’ve all been waiting for, the tips and tricks you can use the next time you’re about to head off on a very rainy journey.
It’s a great idea to keep your distance when you’re driving in the rain. Since you’re stopping time doubles in wet weather, you won’t be able to brake as effectively. Make sure you keep your distance from fellow road users.
Potentially the most important tip is to reduce your speed. When you’re driving in wet weather, you won’t be able to react as quickly. By reducing your speed, you’re allowing yourself that extra bit of time to react in an emergency or to other drivers.
Try to avoid spraying other drivers whilst you’re driving, this will reduce their visibility and create the right environment for an accident. Just remember not to swerve to avoid spray, though it’s important to not spray drivers or pedestrians, swerving is more dangerous.
Break Down
There’s never a good time to break down, but if you’re unfortunate enough to break down in the rain, it’s important you keep your bonnet closed whilst you’re waiting for someone to come and help.
Keeping your bonnet open in the rain can cause the car’s electrical system to get wet and potentially even soaked, damaging the car’s inner workings.

Your car skidding out of control is terrifying at the best of times, but even scarier when the tyres have skidded on water. If your car starts to aquaplane, take your foot off the accelerator and make sure you don’t brake. This can cause the car to flip, increasing the risk of injury.
Air Conditioning
Use your air conditioning to prevent any internal condensation from steaming up your windows and mirrors. This increases the risk of an accident since your visibility from all angles is heavily reduced.
Fog Lights
Avoid using your rear fog lights, these can mask the effects of your brake lights, confusing drivers behind you and creating the possibility of a serious accident. Though being visible is important, staying safe is even more important.
Since your visibility is reduced, you’ll likely want to use your headlights so you’re able to see better or so that others can see you even better. To help other drivers not get blinded, try to use your dipped headlights instead.

Believe it or not, rain can damage your car even if it doesn’t seem like it can. There are several different ways rain can cause damage to your car, either the aesthetics or the inner workings. We’re of course going to give you all of the tips we have!
- Indoors – Try parking indoors if you have the option to, this will save unwanted debris and water from getting onto your car.
- Wax – Coating your car in wax will offer a shield and a new look to your car. Win-Win!
- Evaporates – Of course, rainwater eventually evaporates, leaving tiny water smudges on your car. Try using a car cover to help with this.
- Necessity – If your journey isn’t a necessity, avoid driving. That’s the very best way to ensure rain doesn’t damage your car.
Damage to your car from rainy days spent driving is more common than it may seem, so making sure you stay safe during these drives is the best thing you can do for yourself the next time you take off on a journey.
Now you’ve made it to the end of the post, there’s no reason you can’t stay safe the next time you get into your car on a rainy day.