Driving in fog can be nerve-wracking, as with any other harsh weather conditions. Just as with intense rain and burning sunlight, there are some great tips out there to help keep yourself safe on the road.
Keep reading the post below if you’re ready to find out everything there is about driving safely in the fog.

It’s so important you get yourself ready to drive in harsh weather and that includes fog of any kind since it makes driving more dangerous. There are so many great ways to make sure you’re as prepared as you can possibly be.
Checking your lights are in the correct working order should be your first step since you need your lights to be able to see. If they’re not working as they should be, it’s important to get the bulbs replaced by your local garage, though it can be done by yourself.
Having condensation build up in your car is a common occurrence, especially when it’s cold and rainy outside. However, the last thing you need is for your windows to fog up any more than they already were.
To combat condensation building up in your car, turn on your car’s air conditioning and create a clear line of sight for yourself as you drive. Just make sure you do this before setting off on your journey.

Tips and Tricks
There are so many great ways to ensure you’re keeping yourself safe whilst you’re actually on the road and driving through the fog. We’ll of course give you all of the tips we have to hand, so keep reading and find out everything you need to know.
To ensure complete safety, driving at a slower speed than your normal speed is a great idea. It’s important though to not drive too low under the speed limit, driving too slow, just like driving too fast can cause accidents with other road users.
Since you don’t have as much time to react to events, it’s a good idea to make sure you’re leaving more space between you and another driver. Generally, without fog, the rule is a two-second gap, but with fog, it’s a three-second gap.
Fog clouds your view, blocking your line of sight when it comes to driving. This is true for other drivers too, of course, meaning if you can’t see other drivers, they won’t be able to see you. Use your fog lights where you feel it’s necessary, but make sure to turn them off when you don’t need them.

Since you’ll be mostly unable to see the oncoming traffic, it’s so important you listen out for any traffic coming your way. Since your sight is going to be compromised, your hearing is going to be your next best friend.
If you don’t need to make your journey, don’t, it’s as simple as that. Never drive when you feel like it’s too dangerous to do so. Try and delay your journey if you don’t need to go, but if you do, make sure you’re prepared.

The Law On Lights
Knowing the law on when you can and can’t use your headlights is so useful but also so crucial. Using your lights at the wrong time can have a huge negative impact on other drivers, putting them in dangerous situations.
Since we’re talking about fog here, that’s what we’re going to cover. You’re only able to use your fog lights at certain moments and of course, it’s all dependent on the weather. Here are the rules on when you’re able to use your fog lights:
- Fog – You’re only able to use your fog lights actually in the fog, no other time!
- 100 Metres – You can also only use your fog lights when visibility goes below 100 metres which is 328 feet.
- Snow and rain – You’re also able to use your fog lights in snow as long as visibility is below 100 metres.
That’s it, they’re the rules on the use of fog lights! If you’re still unsure though, you can always refer back to the Highway Code. In there, you’ll find rule 226, speaking all about when you can and can’t use your fog lights.